Week 233
12 June 2017Only two projects worked on this week.
Selworthy continues at a steady cruise. I worked up getting FFMpeg to send progress reports to the browser, fettled some new video encoding routines, and fixed some bugs with one of our formatters that were having knock-on effects in surprising places. I also continued research into a major refactoring and overhaul of a key system.
The big news this week was on Longcrag, which is pretty much ready for launch. Lots of little bits on it this week: shooting product photographs; prepping marketing materials; double-checking guides and documentation; finishing a website; filming a demonstration – and then all the edit work on that film. On Thursday, I shipped a box of products to a retailer, so I guess I’ve well and truly pulled the cork out of that bottle. It’s likely the first round of products will go on sale next week. More news then. Gulp!