• Week 50 (51)

    6 October 2013

    A few different focuses this week: a meeting about Housedon, an upcoming piece of work next week; two days on Hegdon, a short interaction design exploration – research, wireframes, and documentation; a short exploratory meeting with some new contacts; and a lunchtime talk at the ODI.

    I write weeknotes for myself mainly as a diary (and Maciej’s written about the value of work diaries): to look back upon over time; to keep track of where my head is. Some weeks are deep in a single project; some spread thinly amongst several; some in business development.

    This is week 50. Although really, it should be week 51: I made a mistake somewhere. I know this because on Friday, the copy of myself that lives a year ago on Foursquare went to its leaving do.

    So: an adjustment to weeknotes: let’s assume this is really week 51. And: how a year passes. A year ago, I’d be about to begin Spirits Melted Into Air. It’s been quite a year. Yearnotes should, I think, be forthcoming. But for now: onwards.