Week 42
5 August 2013A short week to report on.
On Monday, I spent the morning with Caper, taking part in a workshop to help an organisation understand what Culture Hack might look like for them.
I spend Tuesday and Wednesday poking at the edges of Sore, and working over some month-end admin. Sam (from PAN) and I also met up with James from Twilio on Tuesday, to chat about how Hello Lamp Post has been going , and to talk to them more generally. Twilio’s APIs provide all the telephony and SMS services for Hello Lamp Post; it’s not an understatement to say that it wouldn’t exist in its current form without their services, and they’ve been helping us out with it since launch. It was great to catch up, and hear more about their plans for the future.
As I write, it’s Thursday, and I’m typing this in a tent in Dorset, lit by a small lantern and my iPad’s screen. I’m on holiday, and thus weeknotes are early – though will likely arrive late, thanks to the vagaries of rural network access.
Holidays are important. I’ve always tried to treat freelancing as a real job, work decent hours, and take weekends and holidays. I do OK at the first, and perhaps better at the second – though I don’t force myself to stop if I’m on a roll, or enjoying myself; sometimes, the Sunday mornings spent typing are where breakthroughs come. But I’ve found holidays hard, partly because there have been too many good things that I couldn’t say no to passing by.
Anyhow, lots of things are in good places, so I decided a long weekend wouldn’t hurt anybody, and I’m off camping by the sea. Just a small break, but it’s largely away from connectivity and glowing screens, which feels like a wise thing (I’m mainly just using my Kindle to read off – a lack of mains adaptors does quite a lot for time away from screens that glow). So far, I’ve been very happy doing very little, and I hope it will leave me refreshed.
Back early next week – which, I hope, will see the next head-down burst of progress on Sore.