• Week 131

    20 April 2015

    The big news this week was the broadcast of Future Speak, my BBC Radio 4 documentary (previously known as Periton). I’ve had lots of great responses to it, which have been really appreciated – and at the end of the week, Radio 4 themselves selected it for Pick of the Week. So that was all very positive. It’s rebroadcast tonight at 9pm, and is currently available for download as Documentary of the Week.

    Meanwhile, in the land of programming, Selworthy moves on apace. Last week’s big feature was moving from direct S3 upload to using Transloadit, which I’ve been really impressed with so far – it’s got great documentation, solid functionality, and has enabled lots of little features for Selworthy in the few days I spent porting to it. Impressive.

    I also spent a while writing up a lot of documentation and refining some of the features in Milestone 2; Week 132 sees the beginning of Milestone 3, which is going to be a big chunk of transactional code and lots of tests. So for now, tidying up and front-end polish was the way ahead, but next week’s going to be back to heavy-lifting and lots of Ruby.