• Week 15

    28 January 2013

    A cold and snowy start to the week, so I stayed at home for Monday, and held phone meetings around the content we’ll be using in Detling.

    Over the early days in the week, I wrapped up a lot of little loose ends on Firle, which should be going live soon.

    I took advantage of some downtime to build and deploy a new look for tomarmitage.com – a vanity domain that I’m using to document my professional practice. That means weeknotes, like this one, and posting about work will end up here (though likely cross-posed to infovore.org). It feels better than a plain page, and over time, I’ll backfill a portfolio and work out a way to display work well. For now, it’s a simple layout that lists things, and has all the salient details future employers might need. It’s backed with the usual tricks – a sensible automated deployment strategy to make keeping it up to date a breeze – and it felt good for a few days to be cutting new ground and designing in my browser.

    Finally, on Friday, I went to The Design of Understanding – Max Gadney’s excellent conference at St Bride Library, now in its third year. A really good day out, with some excellent talks and plenty to chew on. My favourite conferences are the ones that leave me thinking new thoughts, and I certainly felt a few beginning to form in the time since.